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Denied at the microfiche ...

Well I sat down with the microfiche reader in an attempt to obtain the
part numbers for the segmented exhaust manifold and the water-cooled
turbo for the qtc and was completely denied.  I have several versions
of the qtc fiche, as well as copies for the '88 5kCSQ and 200Q.  Most 
all of the sources showed the parts, but the references were not in
the associated part number list.  Does anybody have any part numbers
for these?

As Scott noted there are six parts involved with the multi-piece 
exhaust manifold: the two cast metal segments, the accordian hose that
connects them and two clamps.  The last piece appears to be a tube that 
separates a portion of the exhaust from the rest.  I also looked long-
ingly at the diagrams that showed the 20V exhaust systems (including 
the S4-like dual system) ... still no part numbers.

I had heard that the WC turbo was available in the '84 ('85) 5kT, but
I have yet to substantiate this.  It appears that the injector cooling
blower bracket was modified to accomodate the auxiliary water pump.  
I compared the '88 system to the '83 and the two biggest differences 
that I see are the fact that the aux pump is mounted to the ABS and 
the metal coolant line that runs along the left side of the engine and 
feeds the heater core has a tap point and takes a slightly different 
course.  I'm not sure if I could retrofit the new cars line to the old
car, but I don't think it matters ... I should be able to add some kind 
of a T between the line and the heater valve.  It also appears that I can
use the connection from the head to the upper radiator hose from the 
newer car for the water connection to the turbo and the return line 
should fit as well.  I guess the last issue would be if I can use the 
same oil lines and the dual oil filter flange that the qtc has ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)