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Re: 4000 and Coupe models
I ordered my US spec Coupe in Europe in July 85. I was told that it
would be delivered as an 86 Model after the factory returned from
mandatory vacation in August. The dealer implied that anything
manufactured for the North American market from September on would be
sold as next years model whether there were any changes or not. As
far as I was aware the only changes were the type of upholstery
material (85 scratchy, 86 smooth) and the high brake light. Otherwise
the 85 and 86 Coupe models were identical. In fact, the dealer had
1985 on the bill of sale even though the owners manual indicated 86.
I made him change it so the DMV would issue the proper title when I
got the car back to the U.S. He thought that the American tradition
of calling a vehicle manufactured in one year something else was
ridiculous. I guess most country's models just go by calander year of
manufacture. If it was built in 85...it's an 85. Realistically the
only difference was the cover of the owners manual.
Tom Brown