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A4 &pl8s

My sister is in the market for a new car and she asked what I thought of an
A4.  Of course I said YES!  but my sis is a 2x adnoH owner (she even got her
fiancee to buy a edulerP) and from what she's seen from my 10 year old GT,
Audi reliability doesn't inspire her.  She maintains (well, her dealer does
anyway) her car well but doesn't want the hassle of having to bring the car
back to the dealer for unscheduled stops.  Does anyone with A4 experience
have anything to say on this?  Are the new generations of Audis much better
in terms of reliability?

BTW do you think that a license plate reading:  "NO QTRO" would be a put down
for my Coupe GT?

Jesse Almero, Jr.
Torrance,  CA
1986 Coupe GT