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Re: Replace strut bearing with strut

> I second that notion, especially since most of you are going to be put-
> ting in, ah, firmer struts, nicht wahr? And those poor bearing caps take
> a *real* pounding . . . and when they do go (shortly after you foolishly
> didn't replace them when the suspension was apart and incremental cost
> was nil), your handling goes all to hell in a rather subtly-erratic way!

In a 5k, the strut bearings don't take the same kind of hits they do in a 4k
or TQC ... I've seen them last over 100k miles whereas I've killed them in a
4k in less then 20k.  Still, they're cheap enough, I'd replace them anyway.

     _             _              _
    / l       l o l  \       l o l  \  _   _ o  _   _   AudiDudi@delphi.com
   /__l l l / l l l  l l l / l l l /  / l /  l l \ / _  Jeffrey Goggin
  /   l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l l  \ \_l \_ l l l \_l  Scottsdale, Arizona