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RE: Blaupunkt Stereo fix

Dave Head wrote:
>I have the factory 'Audi design' Blau in my 87 5KCSTQ.  According to the tag
>on the outside it was repaired once under warrenty.  The volume pot is going
>bad and cuts out intermittently.  I have to wait for a rear amp (many other
>repairs 1st!) before putting my $45.00 junkyard (great yards down here!)
>Nakamichi in and rewiring, etc.  
>Can anyone explain to me how to open the %@#$!!! case on the factory Blau?  I
>guess its one of those childproof things...  I can fix the darned
>potentiometer if I can figure out how to open it.

Hi Dave,

	Are you sure it's the volume pot.? My '87 5KCSQ does the same thing,
but only while the radio is on. It won't do it with a tape; which leads me to
think it's a weird amp. section in the radio. What does seem to be common to
both the radio and the tape deck is certain pairs of the 10 speaker system
dropping in and out; usually switching the unit off then on again restores all
the speakers. If I were the original owner of this fine car, and had "dropped"
the big bucks they did for it, I'd have been REAL upset about that radio.

	Just my 2/100 of a buck...

							Happy motoring,
