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Re: Knock sensors

On Tue, 19 Dec 1995 ptimmerm@mashtun.jpl.nasa.gov wrote:

> hers's what I have found out about knock sensors.

OK Bear with me here. Im about to ask a really dumb question, possibly 
the dumbest question ever asked... You may actually become dumber just by 
reading it!  anyway...

If a knock sensor by definition senses pre-ignition (aka ping)..
..let me know when I go astray here...

 A 'ping' is the predetenation of fuel,..it is igniting BEFORE the spark 
arrives (potentialy causing damage blah blah blah...)
So if a knock sensor detects a ping, it will retard my ignition timing... 
Now if Im not mistaken, my whole problem is that it ignited too early, 
why retard it? What does it gain? Am I missing something here? Who 
invented liquid soap and why? (Better off dead, John Cusak)
TIA and sorry for my stupidity...


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