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High RPM Between Gears

> From: Vikram Mittal <vikram.mittal@gep.ge.com>

> In between gear changes, when I depress the
> clutch to change gear to higher gear the car
> stays at high rpm for about 3 seconds before
> dropping. If I change the gear while it is
> high the car jerks hard, if I wait for it to
> drop, the car slows down and the guy behind me 
> get impatient.
> My question therefore is, is it normal for the
> rpm to stay high for a couple of seconds before
> dropping. If so, does your car give a jerk 
> on changing gears from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 if done
> while rpms are high ?

Vikram - this is definitely NOT the way it's supposed to run.  The 
idle should drop much more quickly.  I don't know what the problem 
is, but there IS something wrong. Hopefully someone else will have an 
idea - but if not, get it checked out!


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Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
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       "I'm for abolishing and doing away with redundancy."
           - J.C. McKay, Wisconsin St. Elections Board.
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