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Climate Control and Catalytic Converters

Chris O'Conor writes:
>I sent a post in July regarding a climate control problem
>which I had been experiencing on my new A6 Q.

Being new to this list, I didn't see your post. What was it doing? Mine
would reset itself to full auto and 71 degrees every time the car was
started. Then one day it fixed itself.

Anyone know if there are frequent problems with new catalytic converters?
The one on my '95 A6Q smells so bad my wife doesn't want me to bring the
car into the garage. The dealer said to switch fuel to Amoco (I had been
using Mobil). It was slightly better but still rotten. Is this unusual?
It's a bit of an embarassing blight on an otherwise slick car.

Ted Jensen
'95 A6Q 5sp
'95 BMW R1100RS

  Ted Jensen <tedj@panix.com> |       Sterling Sound Inc.
        Chief Engineer        | 212 757 8519   FAX 212 757 4607