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Light Retrofit

> From: es61@prism.gatech.edu (Eric Schumacher)
> A few years ago, I saw a catalog (in German) that had Audi mods including
> spoilers, etc.   One of the catalog's offerings was a four round lamp
> (5.25 diameter lenses) replacement for the factory flush mounted H4 setup.
>  This kit was for what we call the 100/200 and what we call the 80/90
> (they sold kits for both).  
> Interesting that in the catalog, they put Cibies in these replacement
> setups.  Aren't they from Frxxxx?  On a German car?

YES!  Based on this and Nigel Banks' post, it does sound like there may 
be some retrofit options - and I'd rather have 4x round lights than 
4x rectangular lights - if for no other reason than it would make the 
other Audi types here go WOTTINHECK????  when they see it.

I would be grateful if you could pursue this and email info to the 
list - and direct to me.  BTW - don't doubt that (French, Y) Cibie makes a 
tremendous light!  I have their Z-beams in my 83 280 ZXT and they are 
the finest lighting instruments I have ever driven.  They are SO good 
(how good are they???) ...that on high beam, you can count the 
individual flutes in the lenses as they project down the road!  
Reflective range on high beam is at least 3/4 of a mile!  Beam 
control is superb, light output is incredible, and Audi would be much 
better off to use them than the SUCKY Hellas they put in as OE in my 
'90 200.

Actually, if I can get a 4x round headlight setup for my '90 200, I 
will probably go direct to Cibie, (do not even pass Hella) for the lights.

Eric, I hope you can help with this.

Just so you don't think I hate Hella - on my 1977 Chevy Monza Spyder 
(hey, I was younger then - and with a 305 V-8, 4-speed and Positrac
it hammers down the road!!  I still have it...) with a 4x rectangular 
system, I ran GE sealed beam haolgens in the low lights, and put 
Hella non-sealed beam halogens in the hi-beam lights.  The result was 
superb lighting, especially on high.  A friend who was driving in 
front of me down a country road (about 3/4 mile ahead) once said it 
looked like sunrise every time I hit the high beams.

But I digress.....  :-)

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Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
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