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Re: Warn bros Cable

In a message dated 96-01-12 11:14:07 EST, you write:

>nly go about an inch down.  Returned no problem, just wouldn't go past a
>certain point!  Pushed as hard as I could, no dice, so I pulled my foot off,
>pounded it.  Sumthin' let loose, pedal went to the floor, & the RPM's jumped
>about 6,500, and I proceeded to do a 360 (at least the Cherokee that was
>tailgating me finally gave me some room) & somehow wound up pointed the
>direction, with no loss in momentum.  Do the throttle cables ever ice up?  I
>don't understand how, it's at the top of the motor, but???  On a related
>my cruise control stopped working about a week ago.  I'll set it, let off
>gas, and the car gently slows down.  So it's trying, just not doing
> I'm guessing a hose is busted/cracked soemwhere, but the hood's been frozen
>shut since Sunday, so I havne't been able (wanted to) check.  Could these
>be related, or just coincidence??  Oh yeah, this is on a TQ (what else would
>throgh this stuff???)

Mike, I saw this happen to a guy at a q club event........  The plastic end
link (furthest from the t-body) for the cruise control popped off and jammed
itself in the throttle linkage.....  Teh fact that you have no cruise makes
me think you might ck that cruise linkage at the throttle body......   I
think the plastic part is $.80 at the dealer.....
