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Re: Numbers is numbers

Thanks for the post Scott ... I was thinking about a similar post ...
> I got a brother that can make the Miss Piggy (stealth vr4) dance with
> published numbers, but there are few that really do that......  If you look
> at real world or more of a "oh we're racing" title, lots of audis can make
> the 325 drivers turn red.  M3 different story, M5 different story, but 325,
> tho competent and pretty quick is hampered by the drivetrain, and more often
> than not, the driver......  Not the case with your brother, or mine, but to
> make it just plain fly is not it's strength, it gets ugly pushed 10/10's in
> stock trim.....  Me thinks that really is THE advantage to AWD......  And in
> the cases of the posts vs 325's a little knowlege of the true advantages can
> stack the deck against the 3 pretty easy....  To handle first gear on a
> 325coupe without the passenger giving you a head clip for **shole driving
> technique is just not easily done, BTDT
I wasn't going to say anything before, but you got me started ... I don't 
see why people on the list seem driven to discount whatever someone else 
posts from their experience.  The original poster wasn't issuing a call to 
all BMW/MBZ/whatever pilots that they were gonna get their butts whipped, 
it was simply telling a story where a particular BMW (or whatever) driver 
got put in their place.  Why can't we let the tales stand at that?  I can 
tell stories about Saabs and Mustangs (and the Camaro I saw get HUMILIATED 
by a 930 :) and I'm not saying that my car is *so* superior to every Saab 
or 'stang, just that I may have caught one off guard.  And it is often the 
case in such stories that the teller wasn't trolling for a contest ... it 
was the other person who was looking for the testo-boost.  I'll bet that 
most of the folk on the q-list are pretty acquainted with where their cars 
stack up ... 

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

BTW - Congrats for the superior evaluation of your teaching skills that
was listed in the recent issue of Q^2!