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Broken headlite lens

Hey Y'All,

A few days back while I was spraying off some of the excess winter road 
spray cr*p (in lieu of a thorough wash job :-( ) I noticed a BB-type 
hole in the right headlite lens.  Musta picked up a stone from following 
traffic too closely (but that's another story).

In my defense, on these narrow winding roads we have 'round heahbouts ya 
gotta follow pretty close to make a pass in a 150 foot marked passing 

Is just the glass lens replacable or is it necessary to replace the whole 


* Robert L. Myers                  <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>               *
* Chair, Dept. of Chemistry        (304) 442-3358  (office)              *
* West Virginia Inst. of Tech.     (304) 574-2372  (home)                *
*                                                                        *
*        Obligatory Sleddog-L and Quattro list references:               *
*    My Siberian Huskies enjoy riding in my '89 Audi 200 TurboQuattro.   *