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Re: Play in 5 speed tranny !??
>When I put it in first, or change gears and release the clutch, the
>transmissions thumps or slaps a bit as it takes up the slack.
>My mechanic claims that it is due to the pressure springs in the
>clutch plate that have become weak, and that when I replace
>my clutch plate this will go away. However, I am thinking more
>on the lines of some play having developed somewhere in
>the differential. Any clues or thought on this matter.
>I wouldn't have really cared but whenever I change gears
>the car really jerks and I though this was because the engine
>speed was not falling fast enough. However it drops to around
>1800 - 2000 rpm between gears shifts which I think is normal. Is it ?
>If it is, then maybe it is this slack that is causing it ?? Only the
>3rd to 4th and 4th to 5th gear cahnge involves no jerks whatsover
>when the clutch is engaged. TIA.
I check your Tranny Mounts, Engine Mount's, and Subframe bushings. If
your steering rack has been leaking or used to leak then I'd bet that
your Left Engine, Tranny and Subframe mounts are shot.
Just my $1.25
Eric Fletcher