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'89 200TQ ECU questions

Alright, I have some questions for the experts.  

While dealing with an unstable idle problem, I noticed that two wires in the
wiring harness which connects to the ECU have been cut.  In fact, they
appear to have been more that just cut.  A short section (2 inches or so)
has been cut out of them so that they are shorter than their neighbors.
According to an AllData printout, these appear to be ground wires from
godonlyknowswhere.  Brief reconnection by color code produced no change in
behavior from the car.

I didn't do it.  I can only presume that the cuts were either that way from
the factory or someone before me did it.  I have had the car for about 80K
miles.  It had 60K on the clock when I bought it.  It has the Superchips mod
with a zener/resistor in the ECU.  Superchips did not touch the wiring
harness, only the ECU.  I didn't notice the cut wires at the time the ECU
was modified, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.  I wasn't looking
for them at the time and probably would not have noticed them if they were

1.      Is this the way it comes from the factory?

2.      Why might this have been done aftermarket?

3.      Am I gonna screw something up if I reconnect them permanently?

*  Robert L. Myers <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu> 304-442-1046 (FAX)      *
*  Chair, Department of Chemistry          304-442-3358 (office)   *
*  WVU Institute of Technology             304-574-2372 (home)     *
*  Montgomery, WV  25136                   304-442-3109 (secretary)*
*            Obligatory Quattro and Sleddog Content:               *
*        My Siberian Huskies like to ride in my '89 200TQ          *