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'89 200TQ Surging Idle solved
Hey Y'all,
Many thanks to all (too numerous to even try to name everyone) who offered
their suggestions and advice on my surginmg idle problem. My mechanic, who
is usually pretty good, went through a lot of diagnosis work and arrived at
the conclusion that my ECU was bad.
ASfter working for several hours to clean the crud out of my old one (with
only marginal success), I changed out the idle stabilizer valve (against my
mechanic's recommendation - "it's OK", sez he) and the unstable idle problem
has been fixed.
Hmmmm. Unstable idle?
Hmmmm. Idle stabilizer valve?
Hmmmm. I wonder if there is some connection. :-)
Thanks all. :-)
* Robert L. Myers <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu> 304-442-1046 (FAX) *
* Chair, Department of Chemistry 304-442-3358 (office) *
* WVU Institute of Technology 304-574-2372 (home) *
* Montgomery, WV 25136 304-442-3109 (secretary)*
* Obligatory Quattro and Sleddog Content: *
* My Siberian Huskies like to ride in my '89 200TQ *