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Re: Re: TT

On Tue, 30 Apr 1996 ScharfR@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 96-04-30 17:05:36 EDT, richh@kurz-ai.com (Richard
> Haroutunian) writes:
> >Does anyone really like the Audi TT?
> >
> >Does it come in Quattro? 
> Have you seen it in the metal?  IMHO it looks senstional, as does the TTs.

I agree 100%

>  But they do look a little pudgy and awkward in the pictures.  The cars were
> in several U.S. auto shows (LA, Chicago, NY), and I heard nothing but
> positive comments from on-lookers as I hung around the turntable.

Yep, I saw the TTS at the Detriot A.S. and everyone was gawking over the 
thing.  I think I may have even gotten a little drool on it.  If it comes 
to America in 1998, I'm gonna buy one as a graduation present to myself.

> The cars will use a "quattro" system of the syncro persuasion.

Later y'all,
