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5KT: Off-idle hesitation/loss of power

	O Great Audi Sleuths,
		Here's a poser. My '85 5KT (122K miles) has been
	suffering from hesitation and loss of power at low rpms (< 2000)
	since yesterday. Starting from a dead stop, the engine sounds
	and feels like it's missing in a couple of cylinders: things
	are fine after about 2000 rpm.

		What's more, the behavior is quite intermittent: it
	came and went twice on the way to work today. I suspect
	the splice I made to put in a new O2 sensor a couple of weeks
	ago -- what are the symptoms of a disconnected O2 sensor? I briefly
	experimented with it this morning by tugging at the lead, but
	the results weren't conclusive.  Any other possibilities?


Arun Rao
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804