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Copy of: Torque & doo-dad

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:	Joe Yakubik, 75363,2524
TO:	Peter, INTERNET:peterhe@microsoft.com
DATE:	5/4/96 9:57 AM

RE:	Copy of: Torque & doo-dad

Tightening torque for the 91 200 20v drain plug:  re: page 17.12 and 17.13 in
the Bentley:  30 Nm  (22 ft-lb)  

Yes the little doo-dad takes the place of the first lug bolt.  Re: owners manual
or Bentley page 26.  It also says you can use the back of the screwdriver to
help with the bolts (after they've been loosened, of course)

A few other nice to know things:  Page 33 -- hydraulic jack lifting points.

The gasket/sealing ring ( #9 pg 17.12; copper, I've also seen nylon)  31mm
outside diameter, 27mm inner diameter.

Gee whiz info: the threaded section is much larger than the bolt head, and the
plug is the exact same drain plug as on the Porsche 928 (memory here, standing
by for correction).

For those of you taking the winter tires off this weekend:
Weather permitting, do this outside and remove the inner plastic wheel well
liner.  Get a good stream of water, but not a steam cleaner (wax protection, you
know) and hose the winter grit and mud out of the fenders.  I got a few cups
full o' salt laden mud out of mine.  No need to push that rust-through warranty.

Joe Yakubik