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Audi 5000s Idle Stabilizer Valve
Hey there.
This Audi's brain (one of them) is damn odd.
Okay, when I bought the car, we noticed the idle stabilizer valve was
unplugged. We tried plugging it in when the car was running, and the
RPM's almost doubled instantly! We pretty much agreed the valve was
fucked, so just left it off.
Until this morning, I pretty much left it alone. I wanted to see how it
would act if the valve was plugged in, from a cold start! So I plugged it
in, (But just losely, since its got a clip on it which I need a tool tol
pop it off again, in case something went wrong.) fired up the car, and
started like a brand new car! WOAH!!! Not only that, but the RPMs were
only a little higher than I'm used to seeing. BITCHIN!! IT WORKS! HAH! I
was happy as hell, so I took it for a test drive. I drove down to the
beach, where the traffic was high (as usual at White Rock beach on a nice
day), and all of a sudden the RPM's jumped to almost double, and the
engine torque REALLY pulled the car foward. I pulled into a parking lot
thinking maybe the plug fell off, so I parked the car and shut it off.
When I popped the hood, the plug was still in place, so I crossed my
fingers and plugged it all the way in. When I fired up the car, it was
still idling FAST, so I drove the car home as is. I needed something
pointy to get the plug off so I had to get to my garage. With all the
engine torque, I had to use heavy braking everywhere.
>From the obvious, I'd say the valve is for smooth idling when the engine
is cold. The thing obviously works, but I'm thinking its supposed to shut
off when the engine is warm, and its just not doing that. If I were to
keep this sucker plugged in (as is), I'd wear out my brakes in no time,
and I'd have to wonder what it would do to fuel economy.
Think its simply a matter of adjusting something, or is the valve dead?