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Re: 5KCSTQ Headlight Brightness
Jazman wrote:
>I have a '87 5000CS TQ with 90,000 miles, in great shape, running like >a
Swiss watch but I do have a pet peeve--the headlights seem really >dim. The
reflectors seem to be in fine shape, but the inside of the >lenses seem to
have a light film on them. How do you clean these >puppies? Also I've heard
of people putting in higher output bulbs, but >have also heard that this can
cause heating problems with the wiring
>harness. These Audi cars are so smart, my Q might tell me that its >eyes
hurt if I put in too many candlepower.
I have upgraded both my Audis to higher output bulbs from Competition Limited
in Michigan (800-770-5553). They usually have an ad in Autoweek. On the
CGT, I went with 100W/80W which requires the use of their wiring harness to
prevent melting anything. This works much better than stock, but the US-spec
lense design still sucks (lousy pattern).
On the 5KCSTQ, I went with the 100W/55W without the harness because of the
AutoCheck system. The low beam wattage is brighter than stock and didn't seem
to draw enough power to melt anything, but because I use high beams for
extended periods of time, I eventually melted both headlight connectors.
After replacing the connectors, I then followed the original advice of the
bulb supplier and installed the wiring harness and have had no problem since.
The harness for this car only carries the high beams, which prevents the
meltdown and preserves the AutoCheck functionality for the low beams. I am
less satisfied than with the Coupe partially because of the lower low beam
output but also because the US-spec lense design sucks. Oh, I already said
that. It goes double for this car. I've heard that the Euro lenses (read
that "entire headlight assembly) are better at laying down the light, but
installing those is much more involved, not to mention $$$.
I also have the film on the inside of the lense and want to know how to clean
it. I have a feeling I might not like the answer but, so it goes.
BTW, what's the deal with the headlights on late model Ford trucks? Those
babies are BRIGHT. When they get close enough I can't even see my own
lights. I can't believe those things are legal. Also I wish more cars had
self-leveling rear suspensions. Seems like most of the people traveling
south from LaCrosse on the Great River Road at night are loaded, uh, their
cars that is...
Hope this helps.
Ed Kellock
Lansing, IA
87 CGT 2.3