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Rich's Q's
> From: rjandrew@post.cis.smu.edu (R Justin Andrews)
> I have a quick conversion question,
> I have an '84 5000S that I would like to change the dual halogen
> headlights to the turbo-style headlamps.
> Is this possible? I can get the headlamp assembly for the '87
> 5KT cheep and I like the way it looks, I can also obtain the
> grill if it is necessary. I know this conversion seems pointless
> but I'm going to have this car for quite a while and would like
> to make it look real nice.
Mitch Loeser and I have looked at his 87 and my 1990, and the front
end sheetmetal appears to be exactly the same. Chances are your 84
is, too, but compare to an 87 or 88 if you want to be sure. I think
you will need the grille and probably the side lights as well, as I'm
90% sure the headlight width is the same - and I know that if it has
the slant-side headlights, you'll need the grille, etc.
> Another question,
> I will be keeping this car if...... IF i didn't ruin the engine
> I ran it out of coolant (dad didn't reconnect water level meter
> and temp gauge went out) I think I blew a head gasket, I am going
> to get head redone and new gasket, compression reading is as follows-
> cyl #1-100ps1 #2-60psi #3-60psi #4-30psi #5-28psi
Bad news. More than a 15-20 pound difference between cylinders is
reason for concern. Your gasket is history.
> Anyone have any idea what this points to, I am thinking of
> replaceing valves if they are messed up, if not, just ground,
> Does this sound like a cracked head/headgasket (hoping)
Think twice on the valves - check their prices. Grinding can be a
nice alternative! Knurl the valve guides while you're at it.
What does your oil look like? Usually a gasket will let water into
the oil, causing it to get frothy and grey. That's usually evidence
of the gasket. You simply won't know about the head until you get it
off. A machine shop can inspect it for cracks....and they can
<Magnaflux ?> it (like an X-ray for heads) to check for sure. If the
block is cracked, find an engine. Chances are the block is NOT
cracked unless you really fried it big-time.
> Another quick question does anyone know here I can obtain the tool
> to remove the head bolts? I don't feel like paying Audi prices if
> I don't have to, I already have to spend $65 for a head gasket.
Doesn't that use a standard metric hex socket? I ahven't had one
off, but if so, any parts store should be able to supply one. If
not a hex socket, never mind.........
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