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Sleeper Bras

 steve.powers@spdg.COM (Steve Powers) said:
 Can an ordinary A6/100 bra fit the flared front

> Yup... We installed an A6 bra on our S6 wagon. It
> needs a bit of stretching, but be patient - it does
> fit. It also makes for a nice sleeper...

Really?  How many people can fit in it, and do you have room for a 
teddy bear, too?

Do they also make a model for Kenworth sleepers?

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm
         "Illegitimati Non Carborundum" - Heinlein