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Re: Engine coughs and splutters at low revs

On Fri, 31 May 1996 09:59:43 GMT, you wrote:

>Does anyone know what the problem may be with my 1989 Coupe 2.2E ?
>When I accelerate from low speed or a stand still, the engine pauses
>and jumps (maybe misfire ?).  Once the revs are above about 3000 it is
>OK.  Sometimes when I accelerate, it is as if the car is being slowed
>down by a strong front wind, then suddenly the engine picks up and
>it's then OK.
>It starts and idles OK, but this problem has exists for weeks now and
>is slowly getting worse.
>Any pointers to what to check first will be much appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has mailed me on this problem.

It looks as if I may of found what has been be causing it.  Last night
I sprayed the ignition leads with water while the engine was ticking
over.  A spark was jumping out of the rubber boot at the top of the
front spark plug cap.
This morning I have wrapped insulation tape around the lead end for a
temporary fix.  I have just had a very quick drive and all seemed OK.
The car didn't hesitate at all.

Next week I will have to get a new set of leads.  I can now try these
Blue Ignitors.  :->

Matt West
Oxford, England.
e-mail : matt@tdraft.demon.co.uk
1989 Audi Coupe 2.2E