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volts amps and garden hose

wow so much theorizing and all about headlights. myself i prefer simple and
practical, try this;
you have a length of garden hose connected to a tap. the garden hose has an
adjustable spray nozzle on its end. can you picture that? good. now, we're
going to turn the faucet on to full- then we'll adjust the spray nozzle to
project the greatest distance jet of water. are you with me? the faucet is
the battery, the hose is the wiring, and the distance the water travels
before hitting the ground is your full headlight power.
if you reduce the flow at the faucet by turning it towards off, the distance
of your jet decreases. this is like a weak battery. if you put a kink in the
hose or crush it, the jet also decreases in distance travelled <remember the
jet is the headlight beam> now in this case the reduced jet travel is due to
resistance in the wiring or bad connections. if the jet is turned off at the
nozzle, then no water reaches the ground, even though the full power is as
the nozzle. this is an open filament in the headlight.
i hope this helps. 
mike mulholland
<old guy who used to play with marine and airborne radar systems>
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