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Sheffield Corey,SHEF@omdc.gso.uri.edu,Internet writes:
Now you probably have to pay big bucks to some
overpaid, undereducated high school drop-out to do the same thing. My
to underpaid overeducated high school and university graduated mechanics who
not find gainful employment in their respective fields of study;
Some people who drop out from high school can make very good practicaly
minded and intelligent Mechanics in both diagnostics and R+R. JUst because
you have a degree doesn't make you a good mechanic or worth any more. Get off
your high horse and treat people with a bit of common courtesy and grow up a
bit (or are you still in primary school). I doubt anyone is paid more than
there worth, if there good there paid good, if there bad they probably don't
have a job. Catagorising people like you have is just plain not nice. How
about being nice and apologizing for those offended.
Paul C.
MacInTouch BBS - Sydney's Hottest Macintosh BBS (1200 to 28800 bps)
info@intouch.mpx.com.au BBS. 61 2 580 0516 FAX. 61 2 584 2711