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Re: A couple of minor A4Q things...

ets@wrkgrp.com (Edward T Spire) sez:
> >3.  The auto-up power window feature is nice, but the
> >    jam-sensing mechanism seems a bit oversensitive; probably
> >    one out of four tries, the window will go all the way up,
> >    then back down as if something had gotten stuck in the
> >    window.  Anyone else have this problem?
> UBERWGN also suffers from this.   It's adjustable, I will have them try
> to adjust it RSN when I go in for my 15k service.

The A4 mechanism is apparently auto-adjusting.  Look for the section in the
owners manual about things to do after disconnecting the battery.  It gives
a procedure for "teaching" the windows where the two extremes of motion
lie.  Reminded me of the procedure for a garage door opener.  :-)

(I don't have any of the problems catalogued so far... may the benevolent
Audi Gods continue to look kindly upon me).

I _have_ noticed a surging when whacking open the throttle after shifting
(hey, the break in period is behind me :-).  It feels kind of like a
slow-motion clutch judder, but shouldn't be the clutch since I always make
sure it is engaged before applying heavy power (especially since
experiencing this behavior).  I can only guess I'm confusing the ECU or air
meter somehow.  It isn't annoying enough that I've done anything about it
yet though.

Maybe I'll take it in to Tischer for a good look-see and report on their
performance for the DC contingent...  I'll have them check on the front
brake pads too since I now have very dark wheels up front.


'91 Miata: "VROOM"       '96 A4 Quattro: "SWOOSH"       '84 Yam RZ350: "ZING"  
                        '88 Bronco II 4WD: "GRUNT"