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Re: A couple of minor A4Q things...

>From: dan_masi@MENTORG.COM (Dan Masi)
>Date: Fri, 28 Jun 96 10:18:04 EDT
>Subject: A couple of minor A4Q things...
>Had the A4 for almost 3 weeks now, and I've noticed the

I have my A4 for about the same time, just hit the 2000 miles mark.

>1.  Voltmeter runs pretty steadily at what appears to be
>    14.5 or so.  Definitely above 14.  Is that about right?
>    (Already lost a lowbeam, which I just attributed to
>     infant mortality combined with harsh ride... see #4)

Mine too. I assume this is good?

>3.  The auto-up power window feature is nice, but the
>    jam-sensing mechanism seems a bit oversensitive; probably
>    one out of four tries, the window will go all the way up,
>    then back down as if something had gotten stuck in the
>    window.  Anyone else have this problem?

Mine too. This is a pain.

While we are at it, do you find the range of the remote control for the
doors a bit limited? I can only get it to work between 20-10 feet.

from the keyboard of: pk@orac.com