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Re: Silicone brake fluid

Originally I wrote:

> >Coop,
> >
> >I think what he was getting at was the same type of things that I had
> >heard.  DOT5 fluid is incompatible with standard DOT3 and DOT4.  If you
> >want to convert a standard system then you must fanatically flush the
> >system before filling with the DOT5 and if I remember correctly,
> >(somebody please correct me otherwise!) DOT5 has an extreme tendency to
> >absorb either air or water, so that standard flushing and bleed
> >techniques must be employed much more often than normal.

Then John Cooper replied:

> Sorry, but current technology has this the other way round.  One of the main
> reasons to convert to DOT 5 fluid IS to avoid the tendancy of glycerine
> based fluids to absorb water (being hygroscopic), particularly in wet
> climates, causing eventual corrosion of light metal parts, then the cast
> iron ones.  

I guess I should clarify my statement.  I ment that it was one of those
two object (air _or_ water) than DOT 5 didn't like to play with.  I have
been corrected, that I should have stuck with the statement about DOT
3/4 being incompatible with DOT 5 and left it at that! <grin>

BTW, since we're on the subject of brakes, is anybody familiar with the
Hawk brake pads?  The guy at my local race shop just loves them.  I've
ordered a set to try.  (it's _only_ $50  ;-]  )  They sounded good at
least for aggressive street use and mild track.  Coefficent/Friction of
.44, no-fade operating range of 100- ~1100 degrees F.  Supposed to be
extremely rotor-friendly.  We'll see about the dust however!


P.S.  John, teleport.com said that it didn't recognize your account
name.  Been having any problems getting e-mail?
'85 Coupe GT
Welches, OR, USA

Gary G. Erickson
Business Solution Integrators, Inc.
503-702-5789       e-mail: erickson@teleport.com