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2.8 V6 Longevity (Was: Check Engine light angst)

     >and almost three years later at 142,000 miles, the engine and 
     >car continue to perform beautifully.
     That's impressive.  I haven't heard much about high mileage V-6's.  I 
     also have a 92 100 CSQ Wagon, but with only about 53K miles on it.  
     I'm really interested in finding out about the long term reliability 
     of the V6 since I plan on keeping this vehicle for quite a while (at 
     least until S6 wagons depreciate below my financial pain threshold).  
     Have you had to do anything except routine maintenance?  Are there any 
     other V6's out there that have passed very far over 100K miles and 
     what did it take to get them there? 
     Albuquerque, NM, USA
     92 100 CSQW