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WEISBADEN Radio Wanted

Well, the Weisbaden radio in my 1990 Coupe is starting to give me 
trouble, largely due to my hamfistedness.  A few years ago, a bulb
died in the display, so I took it out & apart, cut out the old bulb, and 
wired in a new one in its place.  I just had another one burn out, so
I tried doing the damn thing.  Unfortunately, wire lengths were too
short to solder in the new bulb, so I tried dismantling it to get at the
bulb wiring points on the circuit board (intended to wire in longer wire 
leads).  I broke a portion of the board while trying to gain access.  
So, now I am intermittently getting static and a loud 
hum in the unit, and I broke the station seek function on the volume
control knob.  

Now, any of you audiophiles out there, do you have your old Weisbaden
unit that you took out to put in your 200W boom-box?  I like this unit, and
don't want to go through an aftermarket replacement (I've been down that 
route before - local turkeys at an auto stereo shop said unit was bad when
problem was actually the aerial).

Want fully functional unit; no junkers.  Let e know specifics.  Am leaning to
paying 50% up front, remainder after trying unit to ensure functionality.

Ray Calvo (porsray@aol.com)
1990 Coupe Quattro