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Re: 4kq Header Pipe.

mike tipton said:
>a breeze.  Your only enemy will be the rust, or how badly things
>are rusted.  Most muffler shops use impact tools, for the express

  Can't help too much with most of your "problem", but for those $#%##$%
manifold bolts, soak them in ammonia solution (yeah, the regular
supermarket stuff --clear, not soapy) for a while before you have at 'em
with the wrench.
  You'll notice that if you put a drop on, it kinda wicks in after a
few seconds.  I'm no chemistry wiz, but I think it's changing the
ferrous to ferric or something.  Only works on iron.  I used this once
to loosen a massive compactor that had rusted up --used a whole gallon.
I noticed that NH4 really blasts off the part when it's working in such
huge amounts.
  Anyway after finding this trick, I'm now able to reuse muffler clamps
and other previously untouchable parts.  Let me know if your experience
matches mine, cause almost nobody believes this when I tell 'em, and
some even after I show 'em.
'86 5ks
'86 5kctq  (now mine, banged up rr and all --body shop this week!)