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5KTQ interior woes!

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Received: from VM.SC.EDU by VM.SC.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R3) with BSMTP id 8576;
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Date:         Mon, 09 Sep 96 01:23:02 EDT
From:         Daniel Hussey <GY3WSX@VM.SC.EDU>
Subject:      5KTQ interior woes!
To:           quattro@coimbra.and.net

     Well, I too have the typical 5kTQ rattly interior.  I think it's just high
 milage and age.  But, anyways, I have been contemplating:

        a. buying a 20V (much nicer interior)
        b. dynamating the whole interior
        c. or, getting a loud sterio so I can't hear it

     Well, I chose option c.  I must warn you first, upgrading the sterio in th
is car is buy no means a simple or cheap upgrade!  Unless you are willing to pl
unk a grand into it, I probably wouldn't reccomend it.  But, it does work!  A g
ood sterio does drown out any squeaks or rattle in the interior.  All I hear is
crisp, clean music!  But, I am still in the progress of this upgrade and probab
ly will be for a while.

     But, one thing that still bothers me is that the top portion of the door p
anels (where the glass goes down in) is buckling on my car.  I guess the heat h
ere in GA got to it (I shoulda tinted the windows too!).  Anyways, they are bul
ging out and look bad.  I can push them back in place, but they eventually bulg
e back out.  Well, I'm sure it is minor, and it is not anything that looks all
that bad, but I am real picky about that kinda stuff.

     Anyways, too make a long story short, I was thinking of putting some screw
s in the door panel, or a steel support and then some srews to help it hold it'
s shape.  Well, the only thing I don't know is if I can fit that, since it is b
uy the window....but theoretically it should work, shouldn't it?  Well, I know
none of you are as big of detail freaks as I am, but I was wondering if any of
you have done anything like this, or has another solution to my dilema.  I hear
d that someone on the list put steel supports in the center console to keep it
from rattling (mine does too).  Well, I would appreciate any information or hel
p with this dillema.  Thanks.
