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Re: Intentional Dribble

Nicholas Pinto wrote:
> Hi people, I'm back:
>         1) Pay the money for the Valentine 1. I've had it for over a year and it works like a charm.  One >ticket wuill more than justify the mistake of buying some other unit.  Don't forget, this is the man that put >Cincinatti Microwave on the map with the Escort.

I had come to this conclusion.  Thanks for reinforcing the cringe in my
wallet!  <grin>

>         2) I am about to change my brake fluid and went shopping for DOT 4 but couldn't find any.  Castrol >has a brake fluid that they say exceeds both DOT 3 and DOT 4 standards.  Has anyone tried this?? Should I >give it a shot??

This is probably the Castrol GT-LMA that you are talking about.  I like
it alot.  Much cheaper than ATE Super Blue and much easier to find than
Pentosin DOT 4.

>         3) Intended Acceleration Stage 3 was installed on my S4 a week ago.  Boy am I a happy camper.  The >car even seems to idle better.  I get some more pickup starting at about 2600 rpm and the juice really starts >to flow at about 3400.  Best move I've made in a long time.  Now if only I could get some good rubber.  Any >ideas???

All I can say is I'm jealous.  (Of having the S4, that is.)  For tires,
I'd really recommend checking out the ongoing thread on the merits of
the Dunlop D60A2's.  'nuff said.

>         4) I think my wife is nuts.  She let me go to Lime Rock.  She let me juice my ECU.  She let me take >my 71 Demon out of storage after 13 years just so it could sit in the drive. (My project car).  She let me >buy a second project car 6 weeks ago ( 79 BMW 633csi).  And just this last tuesday I took delivery on another >project (68 Barracuda Convertible).  The best part is she wants me to sell the BMW but she told me not to >rush.  Should I be concerned and maybe have her see a doctor???? 

Simply treat her to good dinners, fine wine, and lots of flowers in the
attempt to keep her in this delerious state.  And, tell me . . . . does
she have a sister?

> Any return dribble is appreciated.

Your welcome   ;-)

Gary G. Erickson            Member #82 NW Audi Quattro Club
Business Solution Integrators, Inc.
503-702-5789                  e-mail: erickson@teleport.com