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Turbo Oil Fltr on 86 5kCST

About 2 weeks ago I bought my first Audi after borrowing a quattro for 2
weeks.  I bought a 1986 5000 CS Turbo.  I took it to a dealer to have
some routine maintanence performed but was shocked by the prices. 
Anyway  I thought I'd try to do some things myself.  Looking in the Fram
book it shows two oil filters for the model.  A separate filter for the
Turbo, and the Haynes manual seems to confirm that.  The thing I'm
embarassed to say is I looked at the engine up and down for two hours
and could only find one filter, a standard oil filter   Where is this
second filter?  Any help would be appreciated.  I think I can, I think I
can. . . . But where the heck is that filter. . .