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Audi Hot Air Balloons
This morning, among the cows, dragons, liquor bottles, Harley, Energizer
Bunny and various other floating apparitions that make up the special shape
balloons that are becoming the most popular part of the Albuquerque
International Balloon Fiesta, I saw a silver A4 floating serenely along. I
knew that Audi had a presence at this year's fiesta because earlier in the
week, I saw a normal looking silver balloon with the 4 rings and Audi logo
taking off from the balloon field. But the sight of a 100 foot long A4
floating above a busy street in search of a landing site was a shock. I took
a couple of pictures and we'll see how they turn out.
Albuquerque, NM USA
92 100 CSQW
92 100 S