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Coupe Quattro starting problem
A starting problem:
I own a 1991 Coupe Quattro with 32,000 miles. I am now having some
difficulty when I try to start my car in cool weather after it has sat
overnight. The problem started when I took my car to an Audi dealer
to have an exhaust gasket fixed. In the process, which they say
happens all the time my CO sensor was broken and starting the car was a
real pain. So that was replaced at my expense. Now when it is cool
and I try to start my car after it has sat overnight it will turn over
and start but then stall out. Its as if the car just gets enough fuel
to start, uses it all up then dies. The next time I try to start the
car its perfect, as if the first time primed the system. When it was
taken back to the dealer they could not find any diagnostic fault. Any
suggestions as to what the problem may be would be appreciated. I find
it really frustrating.
Steve K.