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Antenna now failed in up position:-(
Howdy gang,
Before I even get going I'd like to wish a fine weekend to you
all...may it be weak on neither end:-) Well, I crawled into the trunk(boot)
today; unplugged and inspected all connections to amp. and ant. Couldn't get
the red and white leads off the ant., but rattled 'em real well. Next, I pulled
the rear seat and found a fuse holder with a blown 8 amp. fuse. I have tons of
fuses, but none that length(short), so...gum wrapper to the rescue, now I at
least have the rear speakers again. Next I pull the radio itself and clean all
its connections, Now everything works but the dern antenna. And just last week
I cleaned ans silicon sprayed the bejeezus out of it...probably killed it with
kindness. I guess it's time to get the red and white wires off the ant. and
pull the whole unit; and start applyin' 12VDC to various places on it. The
original problem was that it was going up all by itself at strange times. Well,
wish me luck. On the good(?) side: I don't listen to the radio all that much
anyway...the sounds the car makes are much more interesting:-}
Happy motoring,
0 5
0 Shef Corey 0
0 Ocean Mapping Development Center 0
C Graduate School of Oceanography 0
S University of Rhode Island C
Q Tele.: 401-874-6879 S
U E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu Q
A QCUSA: #1857 U
T QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!! T