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hi watt lites

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

BTW the plan for my fog/headlight setup uses 7 relays and a diode with
provision for "city" hi/lo with 1/4 wattage (friendly neighbor).  Schematic
is in a VISIO file ... so it could be shared!  Anyone else got anything like
this already done?

Initially they will be 100/80's outside and stock inside, planning to jump
the outers to 180/100, which will make the "city" lighting 45/25, quite
conservative.  Don't know if I'll need to do anything with the inside bulbs.

Unsolved problem - how to weatherproof my little relay bank?  It will be
assembled on a socket bridge from an old 5000.  Very vulnerable underbelly
on wire side - and right in the radiator plenum too.
