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Radar alert

In message <Pine.GSO.3.95.961019153801.8436C-100000@ucsub.Colorado.EDU> Brendan Rudack writes:

> Are these "GATSO" revenue makers smart enough to adjust the timing between
> clocking the vehicle and taking the picture?

Doesn't matter.  The sexy ones in the UK are instant-on, triggered by 
inductive (not pre-biased) road loops.  The radar switches on as you pass the 
unit, and it just waits for a solid reading and fires the camera within 
milliseconds.  Even at the speed of sound, you'd only travel a foot or two.

> If you knew one of these thingies was coming could you drive
> on the wrong side of the road to avoid getting your picture taken?

In the UK, in some places, yes.  You'd avoid triggering the road loop.  Also 
your vehicle has to be the only one in the picture - take a friend.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club