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UK Club Jackets
In message <326BE291.2CAF@teleport.com> "Gary G. Erickson" writes:
> In the interests of keeping our esteemed listmeister happy, I could set
> up a list for the members of the UK quattro Club. It could be a
> temporary list to get the jacket issue resolved, or could be made more
> permanent so that we could all be reached via e-mail. Since I don't
> have the horsepower behind my end that Dan does, I'd propose that it
> only be used for notification and other similar issues and keep all
> discussion here on the main list.
I could do that too. I own this server. I have not done so for a
number of reasons, one of which was that I thought the European/US
interaction was beneficial.
Phil Payne
(phil@sievers.com, despite what the bounces say. If I don't
reply, your message is probably still stuck on a Demon punt.)
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