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Re: Trans Spew

 broberg@cpg.mcw.edu writes:                                        

 RB> This is an interesting one as I, too, have a 90V8 with a unique oil
 RB> leaking  problem.  It only leaks about once per month, and only for a
 RB> few days.  The  leak is small and drips on the exhaust system forming a

     Both mine and a friends V8Q have the same leak. Seems that it
     only manifests itself after a "hard" run. (above 90mph for
     a while). It seems to be coming from the back of the valve
     cover, passenger side, but it's such a small annoyance that
     haven't bothered with it yet. Although, neither of these leaks
     actually makes it to the floor, seems to either burn (definite
     oil smell and smoke) or probably disperses upon bathing the
     engine or bottom cover.

     As for the tranny leaking, I believe Audi put out a bulletin
     on the tranny line leaking.


... Sub omni lapide scorpio dormit.

 * Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR] *