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Re: Trans Spew

At 10:25 AM 10/25/96 MST, you wrote:
>     >I reluctantly took it to the dealer.  Their verdict was that I needed a 
>     new transmission.  Of course, remove and replace does seem to be their 
>     solution to most problems.  But they replaced it and Audi picked up 
>     the tab.

This happened to me also. Within a week of my buying the car from the
dealer, (in fact, on the ride home!!), I noticed the auto tranny hesitating
when shifting into second gear. I brought it back, and instead of just
trying to find out what the problem was, they had my car for a week, and put
in a new tranny (at the tune of $$$5k!!). It was covered under warranty. The
car had 49k miles on it at the time (i.e. I bought it used, off a 3-yr.
lease... one prior owner...).

Phew... thank goodness it was a warranty item!!

Take care.

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S