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RE: A4 recall?
>but apparently the oil pumps can put too
>> much pressure on, allowing the valves to open at the wrong time
I am really having a hard time understanding how too much oil pressure
will cause valves to open at the wrong time..I used to switch to the
high volume/high pressure oil pumps whenever I did a rebuild. Like on
the ol chev 350 - normal oil pressure around 20psi idle and 40 cruise.
HiPo pump - about 40psi idle and 65-70 cruise. That is what I currently
have on my boat. Of course, the higher volume/pressure will find any
leaks faster too. Any insight?
mike miller
>From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Peter Henriksen
>Sent: Monday, October 28, 1996 9:23 AM
>To: 'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
>Subject: RE: A4 recall?
>Which engine is it that has this problem? Both? We only get the I4 1.8
>and V6 2.8 here in the States.
>- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com, issaquah, wa, usa
> 91 200qw
> 94 acura legend gs
> 80 mazda 626
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Chris Newbold [SMTP:cnewbold@eznet.net]
>>Sent: Monday, October 28, 1996 7:07 AM
>>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>>Subject: Re: A4 recall?
>>> From: Tom Nas, DTP Direct bv <tnas@dtpdirect.nl>
>>> Through the grapevine I heard that the dealers here are going to treat
>>> every A4 that comes in for a service to a new oil pump. This has not been
>>> released to the general public, but apparently the oil pumps can put too
>>> much pressure on, allowing the valves to open at the wrong time. Oops!
>>Heheh. This is a switch. Early V6s (including my '93 90) were prone
>>to low or no oil pressure due to porous oil pump castings... Yet
>>more oil pumps on Audi...