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Sheepish clothing, M3's, RX-7, Quattros, etc...

I am tired of hearing about Quattros kicking butt, etc...

I have owned many quattros, including an ur-q, a 1991 Coupe Q, and my current
baby, 1990 Coupe Q. 

But, as some of you know, I also owned a 1989 M3 which a chip and a new cam,
~$600 worth of upgrades.  The car was already nervous before the mods.  The
mods just added a bit of lower end torque.  

That car was sticky, tight, a hell of a performer.  It smoked older Porsches,
and didn't lose its ass in a turn.  In the rain, my tires performed just fine
fine fine.  STOP comparing stock Audi's to cars that do 0-60 in under 6 and
stop on a dime.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  the BMW team
PRAYS FOR RAIN before a race.  They and their cars LOVE the wet.  And I also
got into a stock RX-7 that was soooo fast compared to my stock Ur-Q that it
scared the hell out of me as I peeled the wheels in 3rd gear.

HOWEVER, I was going 50 mph up a snowey road to mammoth mountain ski resort
with all wheels digging and gripping like a snow cheetah from hell.  I doubt
the M3 could have pulled that off.  

OK- so I had to vent my spleen.  I love you all.

Saam Gabbay