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Re: Sheepish clothing, M3's, RX-7, Quattros, etc...

i agree completely with what he says.  There is no way that any stock 
audi could keep up with a RX7. All you have to do is look at the stats.  
The RX7 does 0-60 in about 5 seconds i have not seen any audis doing it 
that fast.  Also with the debate over the M3...that car also corners at 
over .9 g's and does the slalom faster than audis that i have seen.  The 
RX7 corners at .99 g's and that is way beyond any audi and nearly every 
othere car that i have seen tested.  I know that Audis are awesome cars 
and that they asre wonderful performers but they are not in hte same 
league as these other cars.  
	And there is no way that even at speed an A4q could keep up with 
an RX7 as the A4 maybe goes 125-130 and the RX7 is limited to 155.  Call 
it a hunch but even on a bad day the RX7 would win.
I still love audis to death...but there is still no comparison between 
these cars.  That is my .02 again.  
85 Coupe GT

On Tue, 29 Oct 1996 SaamG@aol.com wrote:

> I am tired of hearing about Quattros kicking butt, etc...
> I have owned many quattros, including an ur-q, a 1991 Coupe Q, and my current
> baby, 1990 Coupe Q. 
> But, as some of you know, I also owned a 1989 M3 which a chip and a new cam,
> ~$600 worth of upgrades.  The car was already nervous before the mods.  The
> mods just added a bit of lower end torque.  
> That car was sticky, tight, a hell of a performer.  It smoked older Porsches,
> and didn't lose its ass in a turn.  In the rain, my tires performed just fine
> fine fine.  STOP comparing stock Audi's to cars that do 0-60 in under 6 and
> stop on a dime.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  the BMW team
> PRAYS FOR RAIN before a race.  They and their cars LOVE the wet.  And I also
> got into a stock RX-7 that was soooo fast compared to my stock Ur-Q that it
> scared the hell out of me as I peeled the wheels in 3rd gear.
> HOWEVER, I was going 50 mph up a snowey road to mammoth mountain ski resort
> with all wheels digging and gripping like a snow cheetah from hell.  I doubt
> the M3 could have pulled that off.  
> OK- so I had to vent my spleen.  I love you all.
> Saam Gabbay