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Re: differential torque wrenches
At 12:11 AM 10/29/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Careful there folks.... Might suggest reading the
>manual that came with the wrench first, most time zeroing is exactly what you
>DON"T want to do... Clickers should be set to a fixed load, and it is not
>usually zero it usually is a percentage of the max dial load.... FI, my
>250ft/lb clicker has a "stop" reading at 36ft/lbs for storage.... My 125 has
>a "stop" at 20ft/lbs for storage....
Of course, you're right, duh. I had forgotten that some aren't set at zero.
Mea culpa (I think it means I hosed it up). Thanks for catching this...
QCUSA #1765
Member #47 NW Region AQC