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Re: Lastest "EUROPEAN CAR" has lame A8 article

Not that this is a contest, but I tend to agree with Dave Head's reading 
of the article.  EC seemed to really like the car but was disappointed in 
that it was not more unique in appearance.  Let's remember that the 
design is several years old even though it is new to the US.

Audi is going to have a very difficult time convincing potential 
purchasers of a $60k + car to seriously look at an A8 given the problems 
in the past.  I'm quite sure Audi's marketing people have this figured 
out (they etter have).   In the past Porsche and other high buck makes 
have contaced poeple wiht the "right demographics" and offered them a car 
for a day, weekend, whatever.  I would not be too surprised if the 
reaction to the A8 is les than enthusiastic MDs lawyers, corporate types 
who drive BMWs, MB, STS's, Jags, etc dont get a nice invite in the mail 
from audi to come and take an A8 for the weekend.

Just one more observation--complain to the local post office.  I got my 
EC almost 2 weeks ago.  

Bill Murin