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Re: Audi Oil Filters-Opinions on Mann or Mahle Filters Substitutes
Mann and Mahle make the oil filters (and air filters) for VW/Audi, so yes
they have the anti-drain back valve. They're the exact same thing except
VW/Audi adds their name and marks them up 300%. The best source I've found
for them is German Parts & Restoration in CA. They sell the VW filters for
$3.00 each! These are the same ones used on the Audi 5 cyl engines. They
would have the copper gaskets for the drain plug as well.
Check out their ad in any European Car issue for their phone #. I find GPR
to be a very good source for VW/Audi parts. They carry only top quality
parts (no made in India junk) and have some of the lowest prices around.
>From: Glenn Kaufman <gkaufman@ftp.com> wrote:
>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 16:25:38 -0500
>Subject: Holy Price of Audi Oil Filters Batman! Opinions on Mann or Mahle
>I was about to buy some new oil filters for my '86 Coupe GT from my Audi
>dealer who wanted to charge me about $10 per filter. Wowww! Two years
>the dealer charged me about $3.50 each for a dozen.
>I've used Fram before, but they don't have the anti-drain feature. The
>dealer also carried Mann and Mahle filters. Can anyone fill me in about
>these two filters? Are they any good? Do they have the anti-drain
>Will they let sand through? Thx. glenn