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Drive shaft carrier bearing

About 2 years ago Steve Bucholz posted procedures and part numbers for
the carrier bearing on the 4kq/Urq. An important post since Audi wants
you to replace the entire drive shaft ($$$$). 

from Steve ~Jan 95:
The original bearing was made by INA with a part number of: 6006RSR

The replacement was made by FAG and had a few more numbers on it (at 
least the box had more numbers):


I have heard a rumor (you know the kind - parts guy has customer who
has a friend who says...) that the carrier bearing on our Audi is the
same as the carrier assembly on an unspecified BMW.  This would be nice
since you would get new rubber for the bearing mount, which AFAIK,
isn't included with the FAG bearing.

Can any one help here? I want to change this thing soon. Assuming
rumors are what they are and the BMW part won't work, then where is a
good source for the above part #'s.



   Bruce Bell                                            bbell@csn.net
   Bruce Bell and Associates, Inc.                Voice (719) 275-1661
   P.O. Box 400,  Canon City, Colorado 81215-0400   Fax (719) 275-1664