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Shades of Stephen King...

It's not the first time this comes up on the list, but:

-The bad speedo seems to have fixed itself and works faultlessly now. No
problems even though the last week I drove twice as much as I usually do.

-Mechanic friend fixed 'rear defroster on' light, broke switch illumination
lamp. Gave me a new one, but I was too lazy to pull the dash apart yet
again to install it. Never mind, this morning light was working perfectly


-Can Audis read? If so, is Stephen King on their list?

-Have my recent thoughts about buying a better car or upgrading my current
one made the Audi Gods look kindly on me?

-Has this car been made in the same factory as my previous 1980 Jetta? The
choke function light on that one didn't function until I got in to drive to
the parts store to get the parts to fix it, and has worked perfectly ever

-Is this really a Plymouth Fury in disguise? :-)

1988 80 1.8S (problems: yes! ehhh...no. Or...?)

   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
   DTP Direct bv                              Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
   Apeldoorn, the Netherlands                   Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125

     If the odds are a million to one against something occuring,
     chances are 50-50 it will.